Importance Of Maturation In Child Development

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Learning is the modification of behaviour through experience and training. Learning is a purposeful act which affects the conduct of the learner and enables him to achieve his goals. It is affected by both the personal factors (age, health, emotional condition etc.) and external factors (natural surroundings, social surrounding cultural demands and social expectations etc.) Whereas, maturation is a natural process that modifies the behaviour without special condition of stimulation such as experience and practise. Maturation and learning are highly interconnected factors that affect the development of a child. Maturation is one of the important factor which helps learning and at the same time maturation limits the development to a certain point even if …show more content…

He believed that the children should be shaped by control and discipline. Jacques Rousseau’s idea was that children are inherently innocent and their development is shaped by following children’s natural stages. He referred to children as “Noble Savages”. On his book “Emile” (on education), he suggests that children should be allowed an “Age of Nature” for about 12 years which means that children should be allowed to play and have their natural innocence respected. Both these philosophers Thomas Hobbes and Jacques Rousseau support nativist theory which regards childhood as a natural process. John Locke on his essay concerning human understanding put forward the idea that the mind at birth is a blank slate and it gets filled later through experience. This ideology was later developed as “Tabula rasa” which means “blank slate”. John Locke said that there were no innate principles and every idea is derived from experience either by sensation or reflection. He believed that a child who was taught morals, values and virtues would become a strong and principled