Importance Of Nutrition In The Philippines

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Nutrition is a foundation for development and progression. Nutrition is defined as the process of eating the right kind of food so you can grow properly and be healthy, meaning it is one of the factors that greatly contribute to the human development. Nowadays, healthiness or what we called nutritional status of the learners plays a major role on the child’s growth and development. First thing that comes to my mind about this topic is the meaning of nutritional status. Nutritional status, for me, is one of the measurements that show how healthy a child is. It can be also classified as undernourished, well nourished and overweight or obesity.

One of the problems that the Philippines encountered today in education is the health of the learners that leads to malnutrition. Malnutrition could be the cause of eating unhealthy foods and eating the same kinds of food over and over. Philippines suffer now from malnutrition, children are the one who mostly affected by this problem. There are many factors that lead to this problem. The first one is their socio economic status whether they belong to the below average family, middle or high class family and it also talks about the income of the family. Mostly, children who belong to the below average family with large families are the one who suffer from malnutrition. They are the one who usually eat improper and unhealthy kinds of food. However, not only poor children suffer from this problem but also the rich one because their

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