Process Essay: Who Is The Parliament Of Bhutan?

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The choice amongst the institutions for assignment, I have picked parliament and my contents will be based on the Parliament of Bhutan. The parliament is an institution of highest level in the country and it is a political one as it involves campaign and make people elect the member through secret ballot and electronic voting machine.
The establishment of present parliament is new and our king sacrificed his powers in favour of the crown prince and for the wellbeing of his citizens in comings future and instituted democracy in Bhutan. Bhutan became latest to join democracy from absolute Monarchy in 2008.
Bhutan remained sovereign ever since its existence and was under different civil rulers until unified as Bhutan by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel …show more content…

It is the platform for debate and discuss on issues and resolve with majority basis on any agenda and it brings in new bills, or amend existing based on need basis.

The parliament of Bhutan like any parliament has got set of procedures to function with guidelines to respective houses and the two houses have to assemble atleast twice in a year and if any extraordinary meeting/sittings, respective house’s speaker/chairman shall convene to the members before schedule on emergency basis. In the first sitting of the parliament after election, the speaker/ chairman of two houses are elected and the king confers honorary scarfs, hand and seal and the parliamentary procedures of debate and discuss issues, enact bills and amend follows.

The sitting of respective house begins in line with the roles and representations of members and the issues are being tabled and debate begins and resolved in accordance to majority consent and the bills being passed had to get the consent from the king to become an act. (RGOB, 2008) (RGOB,