Importance Of Railroad Crossing

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Railroad crossings can be very dangerous. Every railroad crossing should be taken very seriously. Public railroad crossings have been marked with warning devices and signs for your safety. If you follow the signs and warning devices railroad crossing crashes may never happen. Some signs are even posted before you reach the crossing. Those are called Advance Warning Signs. These signs they tell you to slow down, look, listen, and just be prepared to stop at the railroad crossing coming ahead. Some rules that you should know about railroad crossings are always slow down when you come to a railroad crossing, never pass a car that is going your direction at a railroad crossing, do not park closer than fifty feet from a railroad crossing; unless signs indicate that you may …show more content…

Second, trains have no easy way of stopping. The average 12 million pound freight train that is going 55 mph will take a mile or two to come to a complete stop. Given these facts, I strongly suggest that people should be more cautious around train tracks. Even though railroad crossing sounds really difficult, as long as you follow the simple rules: look and listen, you will be safe. Most railroad crossing accidents have happened because people were not paying attention to their surroundings or they were being impatient. I suggest that you put your phone away, turn the music down, and put any distractions away. It will help you concentrate. There are also rules and precautions that you should take when getting on a train. The video, "Utah Transit Authority Operation Lifesaver," lists what you should and shouldn't do near trains. while waiting for the train, keep yourself and all of your things behind the yellow strip. Secondly, never ride your bike or skateboard on the platform. Someone could bump into you and you could fall onto the tracks. Lastly, do not hop between train cars. It is trespassing and it is also very