Importance Of Re-Enlisting In The Army

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As a Unit Administration in the United States Army Reserves, I have many tasks and responsibilities that can be very different each day and even each passing hour. These tasks can vary but can go from paying my Soldiers, check and make sure their medical readiness are up to Army Standards, to work with the Commander’s needs to get the mission accomplished. Everyday task can be different and this have helped me and provided me with some tools to become a better leader.

Helping each Soldier can be very demanding but at the same time very rewarding. As a leader, our goal should be to make sure our Soldiers are taken care of. Resolving a Soldier’s problem like not getting paid or not having the right rank in the system, could be the difference between a Soldier re-enlisting in the Army or not. It could be the difference between a Soldier that cares because we as leaders took care of him/her, or one that just hides and tries to go by without being noticed. Sometimes, we forget that we were in their …show more content…

No matter what their rank is, respect goes a long way. There needs to be mutual respect in order to work together. We do not need to like each other but there needs to be respect. Once I understand their problem, I can commit myself and reassure him that I will do everything I can so the problem is resolved as soon as the system allows me. Once the Soldier sees that you are genuinely trying to help them, trust will come into play and in the future, this Soldier will trust that I will do what I need to do in order to help him/her with the problem. Soldiers can tell if we are trying to help or if we are just talking just to go by. All I expect from the Soldier is, respect, commitment and trust. The Soldier have certain responsibilities in order for us as leaders to help them. They need to provide the proper documentations if necessary, and they need to do their