Importance Of Recovery And Recovery

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Importance of recovery and rehabilitation Expressed need for recovery (NFR) is a measure normally used when evaluating the subjective experience of insufficient recovery. It refers to an individual’s desire to get a temporary relief from exposure to stressors in order to reload resources. Zijlstra and Sonnentag (2006) (cited in Leka et al., 2013) claim that studies have shown that insufficient recovery from exposure to stressors is actually a stronger predictor of ill-health than the exposure itself. Cooper and Quick (2017) state that sleep plays a fundamental role in recovery processes, as “it constitutes the recuperative process of the central nervous system, restores brain physiology to normal levels and restores abilities such as alertness …show more content…

Lazarus and Folkman among others initiated studies of general life stressors in 1984, where much attention was given to coping with illness (Koeske and Kirk, 1993). The central theme of these studies have been how various events are considered by an individual as stressful and if that stress exceeds the individual’s coping resources and skills (Hardy et al., 1998). People react differently to life stressors, for instance, one individual may respond differently to a reprimand from a supervisor compared to another. Some people may argue with the supervisor, get upset or start crying while others shrug it off. The objective of studying different strategies of coping with stressful events is to understand why people differ so significantly in their responses and how it is related to their wellbeing. One explanation to why people respond differently to a certain situation is due to their various personality characteristics, but it can also depend upon the individual’s previous experiences with the supervisor or whether the reprimand is justified (Aldwin and Werner, 2012). Although, many studies have been done on stress coping strategies, there is no technique that works for everybody, nor that can be applied to all stressful situations. Instead, there are a range of techniques that be used for reducing stress (Robbins, 2007). According to literature on stress, coping strategies can be divided into individual respectively organizational strategies. The individual strategies can be further divided into work-focused-, emotion-focused-, escape/avoidance coping strategies as well as approach strategies. According to the first mentioned strategy, employees can reduce stress by directly changing their work environments or habits. For instance are role clarification, time management as well as delegation all work-focused