Short Response Paper

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5-4 Short Response There are many aspects that can help ensure that there is a stable and efficient staff in the workplace that work together like a well-oiled machine. In this short response paper we will be expanding on three major points that can enhance the workplace dynamics by showing how they correspond with one another. These three topics include motivation, stress, and time management. Individually, these points are important to the success of an organization but when they are all combined together an organization will thrive and grow exponentially. Motivation is directly correlated to performance in the workplace. Every employee has different motivators and it is important to tap into what motivates each individual. It is the …show more content…

Stress is handled differently by each individual. Stress can come from many areas of one’s life, whether it be from work, family, friends, or finances. Having an effective leader is beneficial in managing the stress level among employees at work. There are ways that managers can divert certain tasks, which may cause one employee loads of stress, to another employee that can handle the situation a little better. A manager could also relieve stress by giving periodic breaks throughout the day to allow the workers to free their mind and relax. Another factor that would help is to set clear goals for the team. This allows for them to know exactly what it is that is expected. Also, encourage employees to be willing to express their feelings and ideas and also give recognition to employees that show progress or accomplishment. I believe this would settle nerves and create a healthy work environment. I had a manager that noticed all of us employees were being overloaded due to the shortage of employees. He could tell this was causing a mountain of stress in the workplace and knew he had to act fast because of receiving news that other employees were looking for new jobs. He took a bold step and called a team meeting to allow all of us to express our concerns and feelings. This step helped the workforce tremendously because it allowed everyone to get their feelings off their chest and the manager listened intently without criticism. He showed he was more concerned with everyone’s well-being rather than profits. After the meeting, he pulled a few people aside that were showing strong leadership abilities throughout the shortage and stressful few months and offered them a promotion. The workplace became more inclusive and everyone worked together as a team which increased motivation as