The Hawthorne Effect Experiment

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Hawthorne effect is named after one of the most famous experiments more accurately series of experiments in the industrial history. It was conducted by Elton Mayo and Fritz Roethlisberger in the 1920s with the workers at the Hawthorne plant of the Western Electric Company in the suburbs of chicago. It concentrates on social psychological behaviour of workers in organisations. Several studies was conducted at hawthorne plant between 1924 and 1932 in order to determine workers effectiveness, thinking and their productivity. In result it came to notice that the workers effectiveness and productivity improved regardless the state of working or their environment simply because they were aware that their work was being measured and observed. Example a brighter light was placed in the working environment to determine as to whether it improves the working speed and if that makes things more efficient and it did. But later they came to know that the speed of the workers dropped as the same as before because as said above it only increased due to observation and the existence of the …show more content…

Relay assembly test room experiment, Was conducted in order to determine the effects on different job conditions on group work and productivity. For this purpose researchers conducted the experiment with the use of two girls in an assembly room. The girls were then asked to choose more to join as co-workers. The work related to the assembly of telephone relays. An observer was also placed with the team as a manager and the girls were allowed to present if any problems arose and also to deal with the problems themselves which was concerned among them. As a result the relationship between the supervisor and the workers became more friendly and close. They also developed feeling of stability and belonging due to the freedom of work. And the less pressure as working alone and being able to problem solve in between a group together. Therefore the workers were more efficient and