Settings In The Novel London, The Island Of Isabella

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AZYAN BT ROSLEY 125098 1) Discuss what purpose do the settings in the novel serve—London, the island of Isabella? The setting is the environment in which a story or event takes place. Setting can include specific information about time and place. Other than that, authors also usually use settings that are only descriptive. One of the examples includes ‘in the middle of the night with the sky filled with stars’. Often a novel or other long work has an overall setting, within which episodes or scenes occur in different specific settings. Geographical location, historical era, social conditions, weather, immediate surroundings, and time of day can all be aspects of setting. It is important as it gives the readers the chance to better understand and imagine the story and enables them to relate the story to their own lives. As can be read in the Mimic Men, two major settings that appear throughout the novel are London and also the island that the main character – Ralph Singh – comes from, Isabella. The reasons why these two are used as the setting will be discussed thoroughly in this essay. Isabella is an absolutely fictional island created by the author, which functions as a stand in for West Indian nations that were de-colonised during that time. It is believed that the island represents the nations such as …show more content…

Some may say that Sandra, Singh’s wife is represented by London. She is fast-paced, ever changing and have this sort of dual personality. The narrator’s line, ‘Perhaps it was exaggerated for my benefit; I believe I was the only person outside her family who noted and assessed her mood’ can be likened to the city of London. Only those who live or had lived there know what it is really like and what is actually lurking on its streets. The people who only hear and read about London believe blindly what the others say. Their knowledge of London is only