Importance Of The 4th Amendment

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With the current presidential elections, one thing seems to be quoted over and over; The Bill of Rights. A list written by the Founding Fathers containing the 10 most important laws. Great importance is still being put on the Bill of Rights in today’s world, even though it was written over 200 years ago. Our country itself was built off these laws. Without a doubt, out of the 10 original amendments, one has stuck out to be especially essential. The 4th amendment “prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures and sets out requirements for search warrants based on probable cause as determined by a neutral judge or magistrate.” In current times, the news has covered the National Security Agency’s data tracking and wire taps through the Patriot Act, a clear violation of this amendment. Therefore, this makes the 4th Amendment the most relevant of the original 10 amendments. To understand why such importance has been put on the 4th amendment in today’s world, it must first be understood where we as Americans have …show more content…

Would it be alright for the government to infringe these rights to protect us as citizens? There are two sides to this coin, on the first we have the violation of this right set down to protect us. On the other, we have the government’s interest of public safety. Our forefathers had predicted this type of issue. Another founding father, Benjamin Franklin said, “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” I believe if we let the government encroach on these rights we will not get them back. We as Americans must not give in, if specific guidelines are set for obtaining information, these guidelines must be followed. If our liberties are encroached now, who is to say the precedence is not set? Making any basic “threat” grounds to violate our established