Touch. It is the essence of every human being that wants to successfully coordinate himself in the environment around him. To put it another way, touch is one of the most important senses that every being posses but most of the time it is the one that is most neglected as well. qTouch plays a big role in everyday life for every creature but there are some professions that necessarily need the touch component to be more precise and present.
In this essay I will focus on the specific importance of the usage of touch for musicians and their field of expertize. If we go back some time in the past, we could see that the first music instrument dates back forty thousand years and it was something that we call a flute today. Originally, it is the
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Fleisher woke up he completely lost the sense of touch in his fourth and fifth finger. At first he tried moving them but his fingers would always end up in a curling position, making it impossible for him to coordinate his movements the way he wanted. After going to the best doctors in the country they couldn’t give him a precise prognosis because his state was totally unfamiliar to medicine back in the day. Nobody knew the answers because it appeared out of nowhere; after trying every kind of alternative healing it still didn’t make any positive change. In the interview he said the following: “When gods want to hurt you, they know where to hit.” Sense of touch played a crucial role in his career and after losing the primacy of touch everything went down the drain. Music is somehow connected with the skin receptors, because when you hear a good tone your skin immediately reacts to it and you get something that we call shivers. The famous pianist wrote the following in his book called My Nine Lives: “I don’t know any musician that made masterpieces with only eight fingers on their disposal.” After reading a few chapters of this fascinating novel the reader can see the phases that influenced the artist to try and continue emphasizing the motions for his fingers to function properly again.
To conclude, I believe that sense of touch plays a big role in everyone’s life but being a professional musician adds something more to the table because without the proper way of interacting with the instrument you just can’t be the greatest there