Importance Of Word Meaning

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Author First and Last Name Keitha-Maria Benjamin Campo School Name Thomas James School Email Address Age Group 8-9 years Number of Pupils 25 Unit Overview Title SEMANTICS-Word Meaning Focus Questions How does word parts i.e. root words, prefixes and suffixes help me understand a word meaning? How do I use context clues to understand the meaning of a word or phrase? How does understanding the meanings of words help students comprehend oral and written language? How do I use synonyms or a closely related words to understand the meaning of a word or phrase? Content Overview Context Clues is a word (or set of words) near an unknown word that gives you hints to the meaning of a word. A synonym is a word that has the same or similar meaning e.g. sad and unhappy To determine the meaning of a new word, we can use the root and its affixes or look at what word comes before or after that word. Sometimes the surrounding words give us helpful clues about the meaning of the unfamiliar word. Unit Summary This unit is designed to integrate the pupils’ knowledge about roots and its affixes which was learnt in the previous Unit, to aid in their understanding of a given passage. The unit continues into two other strategies using Context Clues and Synonym clues which can also help a student understand a passage. I will be using different genres of writing e.g. fables, narratives and poems to bring across the content. List of Lessons I. Using Word parts to

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