Importance Of Work Life Balance Essay

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Introduction: Work – life Balance of women employees has become an important subject since the time has changed from men was the breadwinner, In today‘s world where both men and women equally sharing the responsibility of family life. Work – life balance for teaching professional has become one of the greatest challenges in today‘s world. Teachers work load not only demand their time in the institution but also extend to their home so as to get prepared for the following day, apart from maintaining student records and attending to various institution related functional requirements. Women have greater responsibility with the advent of industrialization and modernization, both at home and work place. Abraham (2002) stated that women, who work, carry a double load as an employee and housewife. They are super moms playing varied roles and reconciling between tradition and modernity. The pressure from career and family hits women hard. Women face more challenges when balancing work and life, leading to more difficulty in career growth.
The concept of Work - Life Integration:
Work-life balance is essentially about choice and flexibility, balancing life and work, …show more content…

The importance of work-life balance highlights the current concern within society and organizations as the multiple roles on assumed by them may affect the health and well-being of these and may ultimately reflect both in their families and in work efficiency. The vital problem of working women starts after the ringing of marriage bells. Problems of interacting work and family life are more severe for women especially with young women because women have traditionally been assumed to be available during the day to care for the children and to do household work. They want to learn the strategies of combining the two areas of life, and moreover aspire to see the effects of job career on their children and marriage