Important Qualities Of Literature

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Once students start to study literature, they go to a new world, a world of dream and magic which is completely different from their own world. It reflects truth and beauty which are not always visible for ordinary people. They are shown to us by a sensitive soul, the writer.
In the broadest sense, perhaps, literature means simply the written records of the race, including all its history and sciences, as well as its poems and novels, in the narrow sense literature is the artistic record of life and most of our writing is excluded from it.
One of the most important qualities of literature is its universality. It is present in many countries, many languages and it has universal appeal. It works with joy, sorrow, faith, love, hate and fear.
Literature is the expression of life in words of truth and beauty; it is the written record of man’s spirit, of his thoughts, emotions, aspirations; it is the history, and the only history, of the human soul. It is characterized by its artistic, its suggestive, its permanent qualities. Its object, aside from the delight it gives, is to know man, that is, the soul of man rather than his actions; and since it preserves to the race the ideals upon which all our civilization is founded, it is one of the most important and delightful subjects that can occupy the human mind.
The teacher has the most important role in teaching language and literature and in making students become interested in what books bring onto the scene. It is necessary to