Improper Wasteful Waste Management

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Waste is everywhere and it is undesirable. Everyday living creates an overflowing garbage bin that contributes to our deteriorating environment. With so much waste imposed upon us at every step, it’s easy to feel not just helpless, but also indifferent. It seems like waste is inevitable and a fact of life. Or is it? If household waste could be turned into something useful again, would you do it? What if these waste can be of help in our soil and consequently in our environment?

One of the major problems confronting future generations is the massive increase of waste generated by the growth of the population. Improper waste disposal often causes greater problems in terms of disease occurrence and environmental pollution, not only to human beings, but also to animals. The production of compost using household waste can reduce the amount of waste to be disposed or incinerated by producing a fertilizer that would help farmers to essentially improve the quality of their crops.

According to Sun Star, about fifty percent (50%) of the country’s solid waste is highly organic, biodegradable and recyclable. These are generated every day in bulk quantities. Organic household waste, agricultural waste, medical waste and toxic chemicals from industrial plants are some of the sources of solid waste. Proper solid waste management techniques should be enforced to prevent the contamination of various environmental resources and avoid the transmission of infectious diseases. A simple

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