Ethical Issues In Waste Management

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Waste Management Inc
Is a company that is try to achieve a “zero waste’ in North America. It was founded in 1971 by Wayne Huizenga and Dean Buntrock. They provide services for:
• Waste
• Recyclables
• Yard debris
• Hazardous materials collection,
• Hauling, treatment and disposal
• Dumpster rental
• Portable toilet rental
• Security services
It is one of the largest in their industry and they are always coming up with new solutions to waste problems that are faced by their customers. This helps them maintain their position as a leading service provider in their industry and also helps work towards their goal of “zero waste.”

Not only do they assist with collection of solid waste but they are also generating energy from the waste they collect. …show more content…

has experience two major unethical cases:

1. Anti-Trust Allegation (1987)
2. Accounting Improprieties (1998)

Anti-trust Allegations (1987)
Waste Management is said to have conspired with other waste hauling companies to allocate customers in two Florida counties. This is unethical because it is against the anti-trust law which is developed but the US government. It is there to protect consumers from predatory business practices by ensuring that fair competition exists in an open-market economy.

How is breaking the Anti-trust law unethical?
The law is designed to create a free market foundation to create a table economy. If companies allocate customers it eradicates competition which may have a negative impact on quality of the service provider. Allocation of customers also takes away the customers right to chose, because the service provider has chosen you one is n longer entitled to their preference. An open market also gives the customer to get the service at a cheaper price due to presence of competitiveness that is initiated by their right to chose.

How to ethically approach the Anti-trust law?
The ethical way to attract customers is by following the correct competition laws designed by the …show more content…

The false accounting records were unethical because it means management was enriching themselves. They were getting earnings based on the false availability of funds. They also did this to keep their jobs. When a company is not performing financially well the top positions are the ones usually at risk of being retrenched, as a result of implying the company was financially stable they were protecting their jobs.
False accounting also results in duping investors that trust the financial records of the company. Leading people to invest in them based on false success. Accounting transparency is vital for the success of any organization. It is important for the investors, the customers and the bettering of the