In A Grove Analysis

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Honor encompasses all virtues and morals taught throughout one 's lifetime; for it is a privilege to obtain and a repercussion to lose. Commonly recognized in Japanese culture, the lessons taught upon ethics are continuously being passed down generation after generation. The values were first developed and influenced by Zen Buddhist and Confucian thinking and beliefs. Some aspects include but are not limited to integrity, respect, and generosity (“Bushido”). One notable Japanese writing, “In a Grove,” depicts what true Japanese tradition and culture is. It takes the reader through a series of testimonies that are used in an effort to solve a murder case and prosecute the assassin. Ryunosuke Akutagawa effectively manifested how crucial honor …show more content…

Essentially, Japanese culture is distinctly demonstrated through the traditional clothing worn by the characters in the testimonies. Dating back for centuries, clothing has always had a tremendous impact and influence on Japanese society. As the traveling Buddhist priest gave his testimony to the high police commissioner he described a woman that had “[a] scarf hanging from her head hiding her face from view” (Akutagawa 1). Women are valued as people who should be cared for and obtain a high level of self respect; therefore, the scarf acts as a form of protection that ensures modesty. Japanese culture focuses on the conscious designs that are well known in the west for their modesty. The increase of Muslims entering Japan intensifies the importance of being decorous; it is common to see women wearing hijabs on …show more content…

Dating back to the 12th-century, samurais were known as fierce warriors who influenced Japanese society through their superlative traits. The alleged murderer Tajomaru recounts the scene where he “...seized him from behind. Because he was a train, sword-bearing warrior, he was quite strong, but he was taken by surprise, so there was no help for him” (Akutagawa 3-4). Samurais are skillful fighting machines that have an intense background training with powerful weapons such as bows, arrows, and swords. Samurais receive a high level of respect from the public due to their hard work, skills, and dedication to their Lord (Andrews). Samurais were primary source of defense for the people in pre-modern Japan; therefore, there are seen as the people who protect the community at all cost. The acknowledgement of the man attacking Tajomaru back portrays the code in which samurais live by. Honor is a significant attribute that samurais follow; their self honor will not be diminished without a fight. Furthermore, samurais are so highly influential and praised in Japanese culture because of the high morals and values they endure. Aside from being able to skillfully attack, samurais are often described as being flawless. The ostensible mother in law of the murdered man describes him as “a samurai...he was of a gentle disposition, so I am sure he did