In Defense Of Mrs. Maloney's Trial

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Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I would first of all like to thank you all for coming out and helping in the decision of this poor, innocent woman’s fate. This my friends is Mrs. Mary Maloney. She was born and raised here in England, always a sweet and humble girl trying to avoid argument in all cases. Unfortunately, the other day it was discovered that Mrs. Maloney did in fact kill her husband. But I ask you this, what sweet little woman is able to kill her husband in a proper state of mind, well I’ll tell you this, not Mrs. Maloney, she was in fact temporarily insane.

What is murder? I believe that it is one person intentionally killing another person. That’s a big word in that sentence, intentionally. And that word changes this case from murder to an unfortunate accident, because Mary killing her husband was not intentional. I plea you, ladies and gentlemen of the jury to see our side of the story, to see that there were many different factors that made poor Mrs. Maloney become temporarily insane. In fact without going too deep, you can see on the initial police report that Mrs. Maloney was distraught when the first police checked if he was dead, in crying, “Is he dead”, and then crying her heart out. …show more content…

Maloney’s insanity. When admitting her guilt, Mrs. Maloney depicts exactly what happened, and told us that when Mr. Maloney came home he told his wife that he was leaving her, “Listen, I’ve got something to tell you” he said before telling the whole story. So let me ask you this, would you not be mad if your spouse decided to leave you and may I add, while you’re pregnant with their child? That is intact another reason Mrs. Maloney was influenced to doing what she