In Pursuit Of Happiness Essay

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A reoccurring question that society has contemplated for several generations is, “How can I pursue happiness?” As many words have multiple meanings, happiness is one of these; it is not exclusively an emotion, but also a spiritual state. Some confusion may arise towards the definition of happiness.The answer is, interestingly, quite simple; one cannot attempt to find happiness, but rather they must work towards attaining it. The article, “In Pursuit of Unhappiness gives a slightly different perspective on this. Darrin McMahon asserts that happiness must not be pursued, but one will find happiness when they least expect it. “Work on your jump shot or your child 's model trains. With luck, you 'll find happiness by the by. If not, your …show more content…

Despite individuals each having their own unique source of joy, most everyone cannot state that they are truly happy. Why may this be? Looking at the big picture, hardships throughout every day life appear to be the obvious answer, but that is entirely false. An article in Daily Mail is stating the exact opposite. Miss Sarah Griffiths explains how those who have faced a hardship are much happier in the long run. There’s nothing like experiencing the worst to help one appreciate the little things in life. This being said, the question still remains; how can one become happy? The first step is differentiating between feeling happy and being happy. Again, happiness can be a feeling, and also an emotional state. People can feel happy without being happy. There is no joy without despair, no sadness without happiness, ect. That describes the emotions that are felt on a daily basis. Embodying happiness is a different story. Now to be happy doesn 't mean one will not sometimes feel sad, or hypothetically, any other negative emotion. That is just part of being human. What it does mean tho is that one has whole heartedly accepted the stage that they are in their life. This also means that you are content with what you have, and strive to have a positive outlook throughout everyday