
In The Closing Down Of Summer By Alistair Macleod Summary

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1. In the Closing down of summer the narrator is very distinguished in his knowledge of old literature, especially in his gaelic tongue. He is well versed in it because of his cottage heritage. He has this heritage because he is from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Nova Scotia means new Scotland which entails that the sottish had come here in a previous generation and colonized the land. This brought all the Scottish qualities to the new land and that made the population carry gaelic on to the narrators generation. There is a 15th century poem that the narrator noticed in his daughters universities studies and it was one he recognized from a long time ago. As he read the poem it recalled many memories to him that sprung him to realize different things about his life and bring forth things that he had not realized before. It ties with the conclusion because he was debating the different ways that life as a miner had many different ties to other ways of life. He mentioned many …show more content…

This means that the there is a break through between communication and articulation. The communication aspect is between the miners and the other people within the story. The miners have a way of communication between the gestures and signs made between each other. They need to talk this way because they have lost different parts of sight and or hearing. They have lost hearing because of loud noise in the mines and sight sometimes because of falling objects. This create loads of different problems for the people that are related to this whom mine. It is a very terrifying and costly job but it has high rewards for those who do it this create communication between the miners and the towns folk. This is the lack of articulation and the gaining of communication. This creates a great environment for ‘breaking through’ and that makes the miners feel appreciated by the towns

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