In The Time Of The Butterflies Essay

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People are supporters of the opinion that art is designed to influence a social behavior through plays, propaganda, newspapers and by paintings. For example, paintings are used to promote a powerful form of protest against inequality and atrocity. In a fictionalization story based on real facts, In the Time of the Butterflies, by Julia Alvarez. It demonstrates a clear understanding on struggle, loss of freedom and the living conditions in which one lives in a reign of terror. In the novel, art is used in a way of protest towards Rafael Trujillo, who was the dictator of the Dominican Republic from February of 1930 until his assassination in May 1961. Minerva who is one of the Mirabel sisters, is in a religious school where she meets Sinita. Both of them are part of a play in which they win a recitation contest. Her group gets informed that they will go perform in the capital in front of Trujillo for his birthday. Minerva disagrees with Sinita on going to the capital and doing the play …show more content…

Within the novel, “El Jefe” states the following on page 100, “He and the others have turned the campus into a propaganda camp”. Trujillo is claiming that Virgilio Morales is not a good person to be known of since he turned the campus into some sort of protest against the government. He wants to shut down the university since he might be endangered towards those that are studying law at the campus. The university is a way of propaganda because it’s well known in the world. As Minerva said on page 100, “Ours is the first university in the New World. It would be such a blow to the country!”. If the school gets shut down, others would immediately notice and it would be a bad representation towards the Dominican Republic and its government. Another way of using art to promote protest is the usage of