Essay On Sartre's Notion Of Inauthenticity

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Authenticity and inauthenticity have always been the central concerns of existentialism. In this essay, Sartre’s notion of authenticity and inauthenticity will be analyzed. A brief comparison between Heidegger’s and Sartre’s notion of authenticity will be covered as well. Next, this essay will also attempt to explain how inauthenticity is a central concern for Sartre as it is viewed as a method for humankind to evade responsibility and ignoring the freedom they have. Lastly, this essay will discuss why Sartre’s view account of inauthenticity leads to an important implications on the society.
Inauthenticity is “consciousness instead of directing its negation outward turns it toward itself.” (pp. 370) , which is to deceive oneself from the truth that we know it enough to be responsible for, yet do not know the full picture. This yields a paradox, where by being inauthentic, one is being both the deceiver and the deceived. However, being …show more content…

They are free to make choices no matter under what circumstances. But this also implies that they must always make choices. And when one realized how heavy the responsibility he have to shoulder is, he will face anxiety and despair. Hence, in an attempt to avoid this sense of responsibility, one becomes inauthentic, shifting between his facticity and transcendence. The problem Sartre sees in becoming inauthentic is when one denies his transcendence, he denies the freedom he have, conforming to the pressure given by the society and its standards. Since the decisions were made by influences from the society and other factors, one cannot be held responsible for his actions. When one denies his facticity, he is denying responsibility for his decisions made in the current situation. Hence Inauthenticity is a central concern for Sartre as one is under the illusion that he can evade responsibility whether he shifts to facticity or