Inclusion Pros And Cons Research Paper

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Inclusion is a highly misconceived word. To many people inclusion automatically is associated with a person with special needs when it comes to mental capability. In speaking with many of the professors I personally know, many of them mention the same thing. Some give examples from special education children, self contained children, mental special needs children, emotionally disturbed children, or educationally challenged children. As I read into the topic of inclusion, I see where these people might be misconstrued. It is really amazing how many of these people who don’t directly deal with these kids on a daily basis, such as special education professors, can be so unknowing. Inclusion is what gives kids the privilege to be able to participate …show more content…

As for all educational techniques, nothing has been proven to be 100% successful. If we all had the answers to what it took to make sure kids produce at their 100% capability, there would be one curriculum to solve this problem. But we don’t hence all the different accommodations which all sound the same or are so closely associated. When speaking about the pros, there’s one that stands out. Inclusion gives the right to a broad range of kids with disabilities to have the same education given to all students, disability or not. This allows parents who feel it is a necessity for their children to be brought up in a regular environment a reality. The con to this is many educators are not properly equipped (education or training) to supply these kids with the maximum amount or production. Most of us know that these kids aren’t provided the best accommodations (special education teachers who co teach) when it comes to the proper personnel. If the inclusion teachers aren’t productive, how is a regular education teacher supposed to help these kids reach maximum results? Sad but true, most teachers become educators without knowing the reality of having to deal with special needs kids. Teachers study and sometimes are given the perception of a perfect world. This makes it a very stressful environment for teachers, and in turn doesn’t provide …show more content…

The pros of a LRE will make students not necessarily perform better, but will make a child feel more comfortable in that specific environment. Everyone will perform better when provided a comfortable environment. A con to this would be that it would make this student dependent on these accommodations or environment. Many establishments outside of the school setting might not have these LREs for these kids in the future. So a LRE might be a crutch compared to that on an inclusion