Indifference In Elie Wiesel's Night

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There are many problems throughout the world that people aren’t paying nearly as much attention to because they just simply don’t care. This is a big factor that played out in Elie Wiesel’s memoir, Night. In Wiesel’s memoir Night, we see the issue of indifference towards the beginning, even though there were many warning signs pointing towards the Holocaust. This issue of indifference is relevant in today's society and is demonstrated in UNC Health Caldwell's article titled “If Health is Wealth, Why Do So Many Ignore Mental Health?”. In Wiesel’s Night, indifference is a big theme that is caused by negligence towards important situations which furthermore overall lead to the Holocaust. An example of this being prevalent would be the quote, ““It was neither German nor Jew who ruled the ghetto-it was illusion”(Wiesel Pg. …show more content…

The aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid afore This quote from Night encapsulated one of the early signs that were ignored from the beginning of the end towards the genocide of the Jews. They were living in their own illusion, even though somehow nobody questioned or suspected why they got moved to the ghettos in the first place. By understanding how a simple act like this can lead to, we can understand the deeper connection of how negligence of the reality they lived in allowed the atrocities of the Holocaust to remain unchecked and persist for the time it did. Continuing the theme of negligence and indifference, another quote that would help justify this would be, “Conditions were good”. Families will not be split up. Only the young people would go to work in factories. The old men and invalids would be kept occupied in the fields.”(Wiesel Pg.