
Indigenous Mental Health Literature Review

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Annotation three: Bibliographic details: Garvey, D. (2017). Review of the social and emotional wellbeing of Indigenous Australian peoples « Reviews « Social and emotional wellbeing (including mental health) « Other health conditions « Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet. [online] Healthinfonet.ecu.edu.au. Available at: http://www.healthinfonet.ecu.edu.au/other-health-conditions/mental-health/reviews/our-review#summary [Accessed 19 May 2017]. Key findings and Summary - “Hunter and Garvey suggest that what is new in Indigenous mental health promotion actually reflects much older activities and practices with cultural rejuvenation, educational opportunities, skills development and so forth doing much to offset the negative impacts of daily stressors and enduring historical factors” This quote will aid me in answering focus question 4 “What do Australian Indigenous LGBTQI+ people want from a mental health service?” This quote explains that new models are often for the treatment of mental health amongst Indigenous people often have deep historical and cultural roots. From this, I can make inferences on the specificity of the treatment of Indigenous people’s mental health and how many additional contributing factors in comparison to non-indigenous people. People that work in Indigenous mental health …show more content…

It was also very objective and allowed me to crosscheck facts from previous source, reinforcing their reliability. In saying this, it is limited as it only discusses indigenous people, and does not account for all parts of an Indigenous LGBTQI+ person’s identity. This limitation can be overcome by the completion of more research into the community as a whole, as well as the Indigenous and LGBTQI+ aspects of their identity, in order to make inferences on the mental health of the community as a

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