Indigenous People In Canada Essay

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Before reading this section of the book that was assigned, I think for me even though I didn’t believe in any biases towards indigenous people myself, I know that many people did due to the lack of knowledge and blindspots for these peoples there are one culture in society that have been seen as a “shamed” culture. I know from personal experience even though Canada is built on their land we still make them seem like we overrule them as a society. Indigenous peoples are not seen as an elite group in society due the racist and biased thoughts of other people in society. But this is defiantly something I am aware of as be an issue in Canada even until today. But while reading this article I realized that there are allot of things about indigenous …show more content…

For example I now who Indigenous people are, but I didn’t that the word Indigenous is a colonial term for original or native people, but this was not a term set by them it is a term set by Canadian’s and I did not know that until I read this article (but this example was just an example on a small scale.) I actually learnt allot in this read, and I can go on for pages but I have to summarized in to 400 words. What is seen as irrational and senseless to me is that everyone in Canada is known to be equal and no one is above the law and the law applies to everyone, but while reading this article were it talks about Bill C- 31 and after that the Indian act indigenous people were still being discriminated against and still are today, like it doesn’t make sense to me why they were denied “status”, like shouldn’t it be the opposite were we (other people from other nations) should be asking to be approved by them since we are on their land. Another baised that here allot from people is that these people have the easy way out when it comes to education, its all free for them and we have to pay it, but I learnt that this is a misconcept that people have due to the lack of their knowledge around this, there are allot more hurdles they have to pass in roder to even be consider to being funded towards their education being