Individual Vs Society In The Lottery

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In the short story “The Lottery” Shirley Jackson does a marvelous job in creating a story that is revealing in the end that leaves the reader in shock. Individual versus society means that people have a choice to be whoever they want, whether that's a leader, or a follower. A person who stands out against something that is wrong is a rare bread. Those are the type of people that can conquer the world. If everyone stood up for themselves and fought for what they thought was right, then our species would be the most dangerous species in a good way. This is sought out throughout “The Lottery” by learning about neighbor towns quitting the lottery. Although you have people similar to poison, like we see in Old man warner who think people …show more content…

Adolf Hitler shares similarities between Old Man Warner and Mr.Summers. As the oldest and the leader of the town, you would think that Old Man Warner and Mr.Summers would lead people down the right path. Killing does not solve anything, it destroys homes, and the way people are trained to see society. All three of these people use killing as a cause for their own needs, all of them desire to see people die. Adolf Hitler blamed the Jewish religion for the cause of the troubles that Germany faced, by doing this, he killed thousands of Jews to start a revolution to take the world. His own people went along with it like nothing, they went along with a cause because they were going through troubled times and wanted an outlet. People in “The Lottery” are the same, they want a break from everyday life to do harm and get away with it, kinda like a stress …show more content…

Many people view our president today as one who would start something like the Lottery, similar to Adolf Hitler. The reason I believe it might happen today, is because we have seen many similar situations occur all throughout the human history. I don’t believe the United States will ever do this, the reason being is because we have a balance of power all throughout our great nation. People today stand and fight for what they believe in, and as a nation we are educated to know right from wrong. We are also very balanced as a whole, so money and food throughout the United States is balanced, where not to many people are starving as bad as other countries. We also see many other countries like North Korea, who’s leader is supreme, and their people are born to believe that all Americans are bad no matter what. This instance is on the rise today as we speak as North Korea gains more nuclear