Industrial Revolution Dbq Analysis

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The mid 1800s began what is now known as the Industrial Revolution. Business and cities boomed with life as thins seemed to be improving in life. But were they really changing for the better? The bright side of the Industrialization is shown, yet the dark side isn't. While some might argue that Industrialization had primarily positive consequences for society because of urbanization, it was actually a negative thing for society. Industrialization’s negative effects were little to no education, poor and/or unsafe working conditions, and pollution. Children working in factories had no time for school or to learn. Elizabeth Bentley of document seven had answered the question, “What time did you begin work at the factory?” (Document 7)with“When …show more content…

The image of the industrial plant is how most of those dangerous factories looked like while running (Document 3). Large, menacing building were the places of employment for many common folk. Inside, they housed the precarious machines that employees would work on for hours upon hours. These machines moved quickly and mistakes could not be afforded in these conditions. Lewis Hine's popular photo shows children working on dangerous machines with their hair, pants, and shirts tucked away for safety (Document 8). Fingers, hands, hair, and various other body parts could be lost or injured on the job with the factories' dangerous conditions. Safety precautions were a necessity if you wanted a chance of staying uninjured in these scenes. This lead to the masses realizing how unsafe factory work was, yet there was no other job available to work. Ms. Bentley from a previous document not only had worked since she was six, but she was also crippled from her job (Document 7). Her fast work took its toll on her legs at the age of thirteen and she is now in a poorhouse for she cannot work anymore. Events like these were common and expected from the work in most factories. Factories were not only dangerous to the people inside, but the people outside and the environment as