Industrial Revolution Dbq Essay

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The Industrial Revolution quickly and drastically altered the production of goods. Beginning in the mid-1700s, the Industrial Revolution shifted to the use of machinery and factory-based labor. Although the Industrial Revolution was a beneficial period for the production of goods, the detrimental effects, such as widespread pollution, horrible living conditions, and inhumane child labor, outweigh the benefits of the time period. The Industrial Revolution transformed the way goods were produced and manufactured, by changing to the use of machinery and factory-based labor. Manchester, England was the epicenter of the Industrial Revolution. Although it was successful in the production of treasured items, Manchester was becoming heavily contaminated. The image, “The Silent …show more content…

The factories were so hazardous and filthy. In The Sanitary
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Conditions of the Laboring Population, by Edwin Chadwick, it states, “It is an appalling fact that, of all who are born of the laboring class in Manchester, more than 57% die before the attain five years of age; that is, before they can be engaged in factory labor, or in any other labor whatsoever.” (Doc.2) The conditions of the factories and the pollution were detrimental to the child laborers. The Industrial Revolution rationalized the way many goods were produced. Although it beneficial, the detrimental effects such as extreme pollution, filthy living conditions and horrible child labor, outweigh the benefits. The extreme pollution created filthy living conditions. Filthy living conditions harmed the population. Child laborers were treated horribly, and they had to endure filth in the factories. In conclusion, the Industrial Revolution was a time period that both were damaging and dangerous for the