Industrialization Dbq

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Industrialization was a catalyst of tension between laborers and the owners of capital which then led to political reform, as well as thousands of immigrants coming to America looking for work. Industrialization was a cause of tension between laborers and the owners of capital. The Gilded Age was a time with large and rapid economic growth, and additionally helped capitalism strengthen in America. Industrialization and innovation sparked more, unregulated manufacturing where the capital owners’ net worth boomed. However, tensions arose in these larger companies. The laborers wages were reduced, which led them to fight for a decent dollar. This exact situation occurred in 1877 with the Great Railroad Strike, otherwise known as the Great …show more content…

However, economic struggle occurred to due to bad investments and led to the workers’ wages being cut. The following quote is from a letter written by the president of the B & O Company: “WHEREAS The depression in the general business interests of the country continues…RESOLVED That a reduction of ten per cent, be made in the present compensation of officers and employees, of every grade.” The president of this company is cutting the wages of the workers due to the economic struggles of the country. This act caused tensions between workers and the owners of capital (president of company). The workers then went on strike: “It is impossible for the company to move any freight trains because of the open intimidation of the strikers and the attacks that they have made.” The president of the Baltimore and Ohio Company was informing President Hayes of strikes. The President then sent troops to the peaceful strikes and killed many workers. This caused the workers to riot and damage company property. The workers did hundreds of dollars in damages in the process. This situation, and many others, was took place due to Industrialization and