Inequality In The United States

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“The purpose of a series of economic growth is to show the nature of the non-economic variables which ultimately determined the rate at which the General level of production of an economy is growing and thereby contributes to an understanding of the question of why some societies grows so much faster than others” (Kaldor, 1957). I will attempt to answer the questions of
• Is growing inequality unable to avoid?
• Does inequality appear to be related to the division of society into racial or religious minorities?
• Is there a tradeoff between economic growth and equality, or can they complement each other?
• Is inequality caused by government policy, or ameliorated by it?
These questions arise when economists begin to look at countries around the world and try to understand why they act the way they do. Inequality appears in all societies around the world. Before we begin talking about …show more content…

• Does inequality appear to be related to the division of society into racial or religious minorities?
• Is there a tradeoff between economic growth and equality, or can they complement each other?
• Is inequality caused by government policy, or ameliorated by it?
Inequality is hard to avoid in any economy some people are going to be making more money than others. In my opinion inequality does not appear to be related to racial or religious minorities. People with high ambitions and knowledge tend to excel in a market economies compared to others that do not want to work and that has nothing to doing with you ethnicity or faith. “Government should prioritize transfer spending by ceasing to give help to those who need it least. Given that market distortions hinder economic opportunities, corporate subsidies, burdensome regulations, and other obstacles stack the deck against new market entrants and have likely had negative effects on the current conditions of economic mobility and inequality. (Joint Economic Committee,