Inequality: The Geographies Of Organized Crimes

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This class has been an eye opener. It made me realize how connected we are with the rest of the world. It has also opened my eyes on the inequality many people experience today. The problem is that many turn their heads away and ignore the problem hoping it will go away. Others see and accept the problems but refuse to do anything about it, but then there are those that see the problem and they are doing something about. In this paper I will be discussing world inequality. Many people live in extreme poverty and are exploited by their own people, while many are exploited by other countries. Inequality also includes world health, this is because many people still do not have access to proper medical care or are too poor to afford to receive …show more content…

It has also opened the doors for crime and violence. As I mentioned before it has put those that are underprivileged exposed to crime and violence. As mentioned on one of our last readings, “Where the Money is: The Geographies of Organized Crimes” by Tim Hall, there are many organized crimes groups thorough out the world. They organize and work together in order to be successful in their criminal enterprise. These crime groups participate in different illegal activities and can bring in millions of dollars to their economy. For example, they exploit natural resources from countries like oil and diamonds, they counterfeit money, steal cars, extort money from corporations and more. Often times, governmental officials are the ones exploiting their own people instead of protecting them like they should. Two of the most notorious crimes are drug and people trafficking. There are many drug cartels that make millions by making and transporting drugs across countries. Many of the people they recruit are people from poor areas. How do they lure them in to the life of crime? Drug cartels have people out recruiting. They approach young kids with the promise of making millions. These kids are in need of money that the job is appealing to them. They do not think of the consequences or really what they are getting themselves in to. All they see is the opportunity to bring in cash to help their families out of poverty. In other cases, people are forced in to drug trafficking. Cartel leaders will approach families and threaten them with death if they do not join in their criminal activities. Again, people forced in to life of crime are those vulnerable living in poor areas. In our reading “Human Trafficking and Slavery” by Robert Kiener, it explained how many of these criminal organizations will often kidnap people, again targeting those vulnerable ones like women and children of poor areas. Those kidnap