
Infamy Before Pearl Harbor Essay

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Japan’s naval and air forces attack on Pearl Harbor was very apparent that it caused a devastation to America, but the attack inevitably helped rally up public support to enter World War II. Franklin Delano Roosevelt obtained information on an incoming attack from Japan, and did very little to prepare for an attack. While Franklin had the information, he told a few notable people that would soon leave the information aside. Although Franklin Roosevelt knew that Japan would attack somewhere, he did nothing to prevent it because the attack helped America enter a war that would help out England. December 7th, 1941 will live in infamy from Japan’s attack. The United States had prior knowledge of a pillage incoming. Many people that do not believe …show more content…

He could have warned every military official to set up defense against an attack, but he failed to do so. The President of the United States is supposed to protect the country, not set America up for a destructive attack. The President obviously had a reason to allow such a tragic attack happen. Franklin and a few of the U.S. Army Intelligence Officers were definitely not surprised that Japan was attacking. One of the members, according to Roger Stolley, said that, “I was operating under the direct orders of the President of the United States and was ordered not to give vital intelligence information relating to the whereabouts of the Japanese fleet to our commanders in the field.” So the President of the United States did not allow intelligence to leak out to the commanders, which left them completely bewildered. Not only were the commanders not aware of an attack, 48 hours before the attack, a code was sent out to an intelligence officer. The code stated “The Japanese will attack at (the approximate time). Do not prepare retaliatory forces. We need the full support of the American nation in a wartime effort by an unprovoked attack upon the nation in order to obtain a declaration of war.” Franklin wanted Japan to attack so that the nation would accept America entering the war. Imagine getting this news and not telling people

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