Trustworthiness And Trust Essay

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Purpose-Founded on the trust theory, the purpose of this paper is to observe examine the attitude and opinion of trustworthiness and trust in users. Further, it describes the beliefs of various factors like competence, integrity, shared values, benevolence, trustworthiness and trust.
Methodology- The paper represents an empirical study conducted on a sample of 255 respondents from college students. The data has been collected through a well-structured questionnaire via direct communication to the college students. A factor analysis is used to constrain the factors among competence, integrity, shared values, benevolence, trustworthiness and trust.
Findings- The primary data were collected from the respondents through questionnaire and …show more content…

It then explores individuals’ overall trust in that bank as a potential moderator in the relationship that reduces their likelihood to leave the bank even though they are dissatisfied with a particular banking channel. Furthermore, the second study goes one-step further and examines differential moderating effects of three trusting beliefs potentially held by the customer, i.e., competence, integrity, and benevolence beliefs about their banks. While the effect of trust on consumers’ relationship with their banks has been studied (e.g., Ndubisi, 2007), no prior work has examined its effect on customers intention to leave their bank in case of their dissatisfaction with their banking channels. This paper aims to contribute to the literature by examining the role of trust and trusting beliefs as potential moderators that prevent consumers from exiting a relationship with their banks even though they are dissatisfied with their primary banking channels. Since customer, retention and loyalty have become even more important in financial sectors after deregulation gave customers more flexibility to choose their financial services (Levesque and McDougall,