Influences In The Kite Runner

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The Kite Runner
Alan W. Watts once said, “We seldom realize, for example that our most private thoughts and emotions are not actually our own. For we think in terms of languages and images which we did not invent, but which were given to us by our society.” (Quotes). Nowadays, there are still some cultures that suppress people’s life as well as their rights to stand up and voice their opinion. Not only the culture, but also the society they live in suspends the rights that could possibly changes one’s entire life. As people live under pressure, it sometimes put them in a situation that was not originally what they wanted to do. Khaled Hosseini is a writer, renowned for his book The Kite Runner, “has been honored both for his writing and humanitarian work” (Rollins), and was in the 2008 list of the most influential people. In his book, he had demonstrated how the culture and society an Afghan boy lives in changed him. In The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini expressed Amir’s character including his behaviors and motivations to readers effectively by conveying especially how Baba, Hassan, and Rahim Khan influenced and motivated him.
First of all, Baba has influenced his son, Amir, a lot emotionally and ethnically. The Afghan culture “[provides] an ideological basis for the acceptance of male control over families” (Afghanistan). Fathers have the rights to make decisions, educate their children, and teach morality because that is, becomes family’s prestige and honor. On the other