Influences On 'Anthem' By Ayn Rand

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Influences on Anthem
“Man’s life is by his right” (Binswanger 1). Defending this statement was one of many reasons behind the writing of Anthem. Ayn Rand, born in Russia, experienced the catastrophic effects of communism. Her immigration to America, where the government defended its citizens’ rights, revealed to her the benefits of freedom and capitalism. America’s threatening acceptance of and trend towards socialism and communism prompted her to defend her objectivist theory and the rights of man. Ayn Rand’s experience in Russia, later life in America, and strong belief in her objectivism theory all influenced her to write Anthem.
Ayn Rand’s early life in Russia greatly influenced the composition of Anthem. She was born in the year of 1905 …show more content…

During the 1930s, also known as the Red Decade, the New Deal shifted the American economy towards socialism (Constantakis 54). Many applauded the Soviet Union while questioning the benefits of capitalism due to the hardships of the Great Depression. This admiration of the Soviet Union led to the growing strength of the communist party(53-54). Rand strongly disagreed with the belief of “subordinat[ing] individualism to the need for collective action to combat the exploitation of the poor by the rich” (Constantakis 54). She feared that the United States would forfeit its precious freedom and become like Russia (55). She felt that America would lose its success if society were to be valued more than individuals. America’s inclination towards socialism and communism compelled Rand to speak out.
Ayn Rand wrote Anthem in order to defend her objectivist theory. The first ideas of objectivism originated during the Renaissance and Industrial Revolution (Constantakis 56). Her theory proclaimed “a philosophy for living on earth” (“An Introduction to Objectivism” 1). It upheld that people are rational, equal, and deserve basic rights (Constantakis 59). She protected and spread her ideas through speeches (“An Introduction to Rand, Ayn (1905-1982)” 356). Through Anthem, Ayn Rand more fully developed her theory (“Ayn Rand as a Creative Writer” 46). A major reason why Ayn Rand wrote …show more content…

Ayn Rand was born in Russia but fled due to the oppressive nature of the government. She later immigrated to America where she enjoyed the freedoms offered but was strongly concerned about the socialist nature that the government was leaning towards. In order to illustrate her ideas, she wrote the novel Anthem. Due to these influences on Ayn Rand, Anthem mirrors the society of Russia, demonstrates the desired freedom of America, and illustrates Rand’s objectivist theory.

Works Cited
“Ayn Rand as Creative Writer.” Ayn Rand. James T. Baker. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1987. 29-64. Twayne’s United States Authors Series 501. Twayne’s Authors on GVRL. Web. 3 February 2015. <http:>.
Binswanger, Harry. “America.” Ayn Rand Lexicon. Ayn Rand Institute, 1986. Web. 22 Feb 2015. <>.
“An Introduction to Objectivism”. Ayn Rand Institute, 1985. Web. 19 Feb. 2015.
“An Introduction to Rand, Ayn (1905-1982). Contemporary Literary Criticism. Ed. Jean. C. Stine and Daniel G. Marowski. Vol. 30. Detroit: Gale Research, 1984. Contemporary Literary Criticism. Online. Web. 3 February 2015.