Influenza Vaccination Essay

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To prevent from any influenza outbreak, flu vaccination is the only prevention. Pediatric and geriatric population is more likely to be effect by it, so it is important to get them vaccine. Without influenza vaccination, serious illness may occur and can lead to death. However, even with the importance of vaccination not many people get vaccine, especially the older Hispanic population. Compared to other population, Hispanic older adult ages 65 and up has the lowest rate of vaccine with 50.6% where Non-Hispanic white is 68.6% (OMH, 2013). Also comparing to the overall population of their health, the older Hispanic adults face the highest levels economic insecurity causing them to suffer from lack of food, poor health and even inadequate or …show more content…

During the flu season pharmacies, clinics, and hospitals should put up signs in Spanish the important of flu vaccination. Providing handout in Spanish is also a good option for them to learn more about the immunization. In the handout, it can provide the percentage of the Hispanic population receiving influenza immunization and the percentage of serious disease that the population is at risk for. Bilingual posters and medical literature are an important starting point (Juckett, 2013). Patient education is also one of the most important aspects for patient to understand the important of their health. One ways to do that is by the “teaching back” or “show me” method. Having patient repeat to their care doctor or nurse until they do it correctly. This way it justified by the prospect of much better understanding and adherence (Juckett, 2013). It is also important to truly understand the culture when caring for the population. For the Hispanic population, many believed that using herbal medicine would help relieve all diseases. They also believe some medical conditions are due to spiritual reason that causes this illness (Juckett, 2013). So by understanding their culture, through recruiting Hispanic physician and having a basic culture sensitivity, will help develop a better ways to provide good quality care for the Hispanic population