Chicanas: Classism And Sexism

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Classism and sexism continue to be one of the issues that Chicanos are currently fighting for within the Chicano identity through curanderismo. Chicanas use curanderismo to oppose religious patriarchal ideology to justify that they should have equal rights. As curanderas, Chicanas challenge the Church by maintaining the practices once taught by their ancestors, the Aztecs, to avoid becoming estranged from social nuances. Under Catholicism and several other patriarchic religions, patriarchal ideals such as men being superior to women are taught and enforced by only having male Gods. Chicanas use curanderismo to oppose this idea of gender stratification by not worshiping male Gods and gaining a higher status in society as curanderas. Creating …show more content…

However, curanderismo allows other cultures to accept Chicanos due to stressing the importance of intercultural communication skills in society. For instance, even though some Chicanos have insurance, they tend to follow these holistic practices and are afraid to mention it to their primary physicians because they fear being rejected from society. According to Maritza Montiel, “A recent study concluded that 69% of Mexican Americans do not report the use of herbal remedies to their physicians” (Montiel 83). Becoming aware of the cultural differences, encourages cross cultural sensitivity by reducing the tensions between other cultures and practices. In addition, professionals can understand their patients’ needs by understanding the social framework of the biological illness. In addition, practitioners can then identify the similarities between their practice by viewing how “The focus on physical, emotional, and social interaction and spirituality by the practitioner of curanderismo is consistent with the holistic values of nursing as a profession” (Amerson 2). In summary, curanderismo is used to overcome the social barriers, since it can increase cultural …show more content…

Chicanos follow this holistic practice because of how rasquachismo structures the way they think, feel, and make choices. For instance, undocumented Chicanos are not able to see conventional physicians due to documentation and language. Therefore, they tend to rely on this holistic healing practice due to the inequalities that they face. It is also very difficult for Chicanos to pay any clinic fees so instead they seek traditional treatment at a lower price. For instance, a patient “…paid $20 per sobador session …” (Sandberg 6), which is less than clinical expenses. Over time, Chicanos have attached a sentimental value to the curanderismo. Curanderismo as an aspect of the Chicano identity supports Ibarra-Frausto’s idea that “a direct relationship with the material level of existence or subsistence is what engenders a rasquache attitude of survival and inventiveness” (Ibarra-Frausto 156). Chicanos began to incorporate curanderismo into their daily life and became loyal to the practice of it by keeping it a secret from their physicians to avoid any cultural bias. They have used it to make a connection to their past and create a different perspective of world viewpoints. In conclusion, Chicanos began to use this unconvention practice as cultural