Information Security Analyst Career Paper

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Once I rated each career and calculated their weighted scores, I found that Information Security Analyst was the best career for me. This is highlighted green in Figure 1. Information Security Analyst had the highest weighted score and the second highest score was for MCSE. I was surprised at these results because I had originally thought Film Director would win. I was most interested in film directing therefore, I thought it would be the best career for me. Since film directing is not a very stable job and does not provide a minimum or maximum salary, I had to rate it fairly low. Film directing does not often provide job benefits (sick leave, dental insurance, etc.) and work hours vary with different films. The original ratings and weighted scores of all the careers are available in the chart above (Figure 2). …show more content…

In MCSE, new technologies include Windows 10. Windows 10 shows a “unified OS eliminating the dual personality that dogged Windows 8/8.1.” (Posey, 2015). There have been some ethical concerns with this new update such as, “burying significant new data collection practices in the Windows 10 privacy policy that most people never read, by rigging update procedures to push users into switching browsers by default, by not bothering to ask users ahead of time if they were willing to share their Internet bandwidth for Microsoft's commercial use…” (Weinstein, 2015). This could create some challenges for MCSEs due to the public’s mistrust of the business as well as the overall decline in use of Microsoft products. MCSEs should attempt to work with Microsoft in an attempt to improve the privacy issues with Windows