Informative Essay About Ghost Stories

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For whatever reason, our society, and popular culture in general, seems preoccupied with death. Whether it’s watching a group of survivors fend off zombie hordes or it’s a rag-tag group of scientists busting ghosts, death is all around us. Even though this concept is something that humans have had to deal with for literally hundreds of thousands of years, the looming specter of the afterlife permeates everything we do. Even though we make plans for the future, we all know, in the back of our mind, that we could die at any moment. In fact, I could die ri-

While death comes to us in many forms, one of the most popular methods for showcasing the afterlife is through ghost stories. Whether it’s talking about ghosts around a campfire or watching eerily convincing paranormal activity videos on YouTube, spiritual beings are a major part of our collective psyche. For that reason, today we’re going to dive into some awesome ghost stories of which you may or may not have heard. Strap yourself in and get ready to cross over. Here are the top five indie novels that revolve around ghosts.

Collected Ghost Stories by MR James …show more content…

Lovecraft or Stephen King came around, there was a man named M.R. James. No, that’s not Mr. James, but rather his initials. Since the early 1900s, James’ work has been printed and published and even gone so far as to influence titans of the horror industry. Perhaps we never would have had a dog named Cujo, or a God named Cthulhu if James hadn’t written so many ghoulish works. This encyclopedic novel showcases some of James’ best works, including A View from a Hill, The Ash Tree, and A School Story. While you may not be familiar with any of those tales, trust me when I say that after reading them you’ll realize where half of the horror authors got their