Informative Essay About Sharks

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There are many things to learn and know about sharks. One thing is that sharks sometimes hunt alone or in packs. They just don’t attack their prey and eat it, they stalk the prey first and then wait for the right moment. People have been killed by sharks but it’s because they were probably mistaken for a seal. Another thing is when sharks hunt or attack they have a very powerful bite.

When sharks hunt for food they mostly eat. When sharks hunt for food they sometimes hunt in packs but other sharks hunt alone because their aggressive towards other sharks and can kill the shark that its with. Sharks mostly hunt seals, seal lions, small dolphins, and baby whales but they sometimes eat sea life at the bottom of the ocean. A shark has over 5, 15 , or even 50 rows of teeth in it’s jaw so when they attack they lock their jaws in place so their prey can’t exap. They are know for hunting and killing humans but they only kill 10 humans per year because they mistaken humans for seals, human hunt and kill over 20 to 30 million sharks …show more content…

Their are some sharks that only eat, and hunt small fish at the bottom of the ocean, sometimes big fish but they are very friendly to humans. The sharks that will eat anything are the Great White and others but the Great white kill more mammals and humans than other sharks. Some of the sharks that live at the bottom, come up to feed on the big mammals on the surface, they bite off flesh from the mammals because their mouths are so small that they can’t eat it whole. There are friendly and dangerous sharks but they all hunt and kill for food, humans are more dangerous than sharks because humans will kill anything they see and they have killed so many sharks that their are almost 10 different types of sharks are endangered like the Great White, Zebra, Angel, Daggernose, Basking, Dumb Gulper, Shortfin Mako, Speartooth, Whale, Dusky shark are the sharks that are