Informative Essay On Bull Sharks

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These predators will eat fish, dolphins, turtles, birds, and other sharks. Bull sharks have a specific technique when they stalk. It is called the bump and bite method, and begins with the shark bumping its prey to disorientate and/or kill. They will then impale its lower jaw into its target, and then swing its head side-to-side with its upper jaw to take tissue from its victim( Sometimes, the sharks will hunt in groups. Bull sharks are territorial and is likely the cause for human attacks. When encountering a bull shark, you will most likely see a remora attached. Bull sharks are near threatened.

Did you know that the possibly oldest shark may never be completely known? There are shark-like scales dated from 455 million years ago, but there is a debate on whether they are truly shark scales. From the Silurian period, found in Siberia and Mongolia, scales were discovered and there is no debate that they come from sharks. Dated about 400 million years ago, the oldest shark teeth were discovered in Europe. The first “complete” …show more content…

It’s believed to have been between forty to seventy feet long and evolved from the Cretolamna appendiculate. They were only alive for the short period of 16 million to 1.6 million years ago, in the Cenozoic period. They lived in warm waters and most likely preyed upon whales. Megalodon teeth were found in Africa, Australia, Europe, Japan, India, and the North and South Americas. Based on its characteristics, the Megalodon and the Great White sharks are related, but are not direct descendents. Theories for its extinction are the decrease of temperature in the water and its prey migrating into colder waters. However, some refuse to accept that the Megalodon shark is extinct. They believe the shark migrated to lower waters and feed upon undiscovered creatures. We will not know until we go down in the deepest depths of the oceans, discover a fresh “megatooth”, or have a

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