
Informative Essay: Gender Roles In School Of Rock

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Gender Roles in School of Rock
Contrary to many beliefs, gender roles are something that a child learns through different experiences throughout life, not something they are born with. Even from before birth a nursery’s décor, the child’s outfits and toys are all predetermined according to the gender of the child. These roles are learned through interactions with parents, other children, family members, and teachers. Throughout history women have always been portrayed, as less significant role than the leading males, via history books and media, and even today, it continues to be a patriarchal society. Although there has been significant forward movement in gender identification and roles, most of the country is still stuck in the traditional social values. It seems as if these roles are constantly enforced by one of the biggest impact in daily lives, media. School of Rock confirms the idea that Deborah Tannen discussed in her essay in that males are more dominant and important figures, while females are portrayed as docile and less significant and each gender succeeds with different styles of learning. …show more content…

The males take up many of the major roles and are often respected more in many aspects of life. According to the Washington Post, in 2015 women still only make 78 cents for every dollar that men make. It has been almost one hundred years since women were granted the right to vote and there is still a significant gender gap. However, women are not the only victims of sexism. According to The Atlantic, only ten percent of men win custody battles of children, and men are often perpetrated as violent or sexual predators. These rigid gender roles are constantly hurting people, and do not benefit society. Unfortunately most major production and entertainment companies reflect the values of a male driven society, and portrays these in many films that continues a viscous

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