Informative Essay: Government Funding For Innovative Science

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Government funding for innovative science
Government funding for innovative science needs to be increased by great amounts, this would be most beneficial for America in their research in the weapons/warfare, medical discoveries, and environmentally/safe energy fields. Science is what has changed this world into what it is today if it were not for many great scientists we could not have our militaries,electricity, and most importantly help for the sick and even simple pills that help us stay alive.

The United states military has been one of the most dominant militaries in the modern day. This is because they were always making new weapons. Now in our current day everyone can make automatic guns and even nuclear bombs. So our government needs …show more content…

It is estimated that science has saved over 60 million lives in the past 28 years. “There is no greater source for living longer and more prosperous lives. In the 21st century, medical innovation will dramatically improve health outcomes, reduce the cost of healthcare, and stimulate global economic growth, eventually leading us to A World Free From Cancer.”(David Masci). The NIH invests nearly $37.3 billion annually in medical research for the American people. But the national budget is around 3 trillion dollars 37 billion is less than one percent of that. If the government gave medical institutes proper funding they would be way more efficient and guarantee they would be able to create more reliable cures. Since 1971 we have spent 500 billions dollars on to stop the number two cause for death in the U.S, Cancer. This is a lot of money but in 2017 582.7 billion dollars were spent on the United department of defence. However Cancer kills way more people than any other country has in decades. Over 15,000 children were diagnosed with cancer in 2017 and over 1 thousand children ages 0-9 died in 2017 because of cancer. If we increased our funding to medical studies we would be able to save …show more content…

All of the wealthy people own it but it is quickly disappearing and soon we will run out of oil. Our government doesn’t want to change to clean renewable power because it will not make them as much money but when the oil runs out we will not be able to power everything. If our government funded scientist with effective amounts of money they would be able to make more efficient ways to gather renewable energy so we don’t have to rely on on oil to keep us moving. Today, solar energy provides five-tenths of 1 percent of the total energy consumed in the United States.(IER). All the oil left in the world is predicted to last us 53 more years which is not a lot when you think that we need a way to get 99% more of energy consumption on clean energy. Honestly what all the pollutants like oil is doing to the environment is terrifying to anyone who enjoys a clean lifestyle. In china they have to wear masks just to be able to breath. Scientists already have plans to help end global warming but people who want oil money continue to say that the environment is fine. So say we believed in the people actually studying pollution who have dedicated their lives to make a plan that no one would listen too and followed it, our government would be able to clear the world so our kids future would be a clan healthy one instead of a dirty unpredictable Mad max

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