Informative Essay On Corn

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Ever wonder what you are truly putting in your body when you buy from the super market? There are many different foods you can buy from the supermarket that can be ver deceiving but the most popular one is corn. Corn can come in many ways including processed, unprocessed, and organic. Many people just buy the first thing they see on the shelf but do not realize what they are really about to eat. Most citizens could care less about reading labels or simply. Don't know the secrets behind America's corn processes. It's time we learn the behind-the-scenes of America's corn production. the significance corn and its effect on health is shown through three main points, how the corn is made and shipped, how it's cooked, and the health effect it has …show more content…

There are many corn fields in America and the food is getting more popular every year. Notably, In 2019, American farmers planted more corn than any other crop – 69 million football fields' worth, in fact. That's because corn has become one of our most versatile food crops. This proves the importance of corn that is showing up a lot within the average American diet. Farms are money making machines so as long as they are making money the nutrition of the food they grow doesn't really matter in fact, The average american diet does not consist of the healthiest foods in fact, the president is signing farm bills designed to keep the river of cheap corn flowing, guaranteeing that the cheapest calories in the supermarket will continue to be the unhealthiest.”(Pollen), The behind the scene of corn is a very huge process and important to know as a customer in the …show more content…

THe are positives and negatives to corn some positives are shown form this quote in the article general speak unprocessed corn is more healthy. "Corn can have nutritional value depending on how this vegetable is prepared. It can provide a source of fiber that can help reduce the risk of heart disease and gastrointestinal issues like diverticular disease," says Amber Robins, MD, a family medicine doctor at One Medical, a primary care practice. Pressed corn is the less healthy choice and americans don't know a lot of this. In the article its says, “Processed corn products are less healthy. There are varying levels of processed corn products. For some products, like corn tortillas, corn chips, corn cereals, cornmeal, and cornflour, it's clear they contain processed corn.” Corn obsoily has a huge impact on the american diet but weather it is a positive impact or negative impact is truly on the