Informative Essay On Naloxone

2012 Words9 Pages

There are nearly 120 overdose deaths everyday in the United States (“Facts”). Naloxone, which is commonly known by its brand name Narcan, is a drug that can help these overdose victims before they reach the point of death. This seemingly helpful drug reverses the effects of an overdose caused by pain killing drugs, or opioids. It can additionally undo the effects of narcotic drugs that are used during surgeries (“Narcan”). For drug addicts’ use, naloxone can be injected by needle or introduced into the body through the nose as a nasal spray to almost immediately stop an overdose and its effects. The needle containing naloxone can be added straight into a vein, muscle, or tissue (“Naloxone- FDA”). When added into the body, the drug follows a …show more content…

Most of these pain killing drugs are prescribed by a doctor used to treat another health issue. When using to heal pain, the user of the drug can get addicted and continue using even when it is no longer needed. This is where overdoses will happen. Tolerance to a certain drug will continue to increase the more the drug is used (“Naloxone Saves”). When the drug is continually used and tolerance is too high, the user will add more drugs into their system to reach their desired high (“Naloxone Saves”). Some addicts will also mix their opioids with other drugs, such as alcohol or other narcotics, or take multiple drugs at the same time (“A Bold”). Some opioids or drugs like heroin can be altered by the dealer in a bad way by adding other harmful drugs, making it possible to cause more problems to the body (“A Bold”). This makes an overdose more likely to happen, and repeated overdoses are also more likely because of stronger heroin being made (“Naloxone Saves”). Because of its influence on the economy, harsh side effects, and common multiple uses, using naloxone on overdose victims lacks

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