
Informative Essay On Stacy's Life

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Imagine if part of your daily routine in high school was to assemble and disassemble AK-47 until you knew the assault rifle like it like the back or your hand! I’d like to tell you a little bit about Stacy and her life were this was part of her day. Stacy, is an international student from the University of Oregon. Her life was a little different growing up. (Stacy). Stacy was born in Saratov a large city in southeast Russia and moved to Siberia when she was 2 years old (Saratov city, Russia). Although she is from Russia, she does not have an accent which she credits her Mother for, because her Mother taught her english (when did your mom start teaching you english). Stacy watches cartoons, the same silly cartoons that other US Children watch, from Cartoon network and disney. She would go to her family’s country house called “dacha” every year, where there is a garden, a river, and no cell service (Stacy) (did you go to your country house every year/what was in the garden/did you go swim at the river/what is the name of that river near your country house/ what does your country house look like/what did you do at your country house). Stacy's generation was the lost …show more content…

Maslenitsa is similar to Thanksgiving by celebrating with traditional food and coming together with family and friends (Shubnaya). The ways that these to holidays are different is that thanksgiving is just a day, but maslenitsa is a week and each day for Maslenitsa is a different thing (Shubnaya). Thanksgiving is celebrates the people who took the native americans land, and maslenitsa was the passing f winter and the welcoming of spring; they have 2 different meaning for the holidays. And las both holidays eat different food to celebrate; maslenitsa eats pancakes and thanksgiving eats turkeys

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