
Personal Essay About Gabby In High School

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I started thinking about Gabby in high school we had started talking in ninth grade though we had been in the same grade at the same school our whole lives. We didn’t really talk until ninth grade. Gabby was a cheerleader with a lot of really close friends. She was pretty and sassy and had a family that seemed perfect. My mother liked Gabby thought she was pretty and well put together. My mother always told I should date Gabby I even liked her at one point by graduation I was really in love with her but I never told her I was too scared of everything changing.

No one thought Gabby would ever leave Ohio she was very attached to her family. Right after high school She attended Youngstown State University for two years to stay close to home. She even coached the cheer squad at our high school while she attended YSU. My mother told me that the varsity cheerleaders had never looked better than when Gabby was coaching them. Like I said my mother really liked Gabby. …show more content…

Gabby would ask if I was coming home and my mother to be honest never really knew when I would be home she would try to get me and Gabby to come home at the same time, but it never worked out Gabby was always busy with college and the high school cheer squad.

One night Gabby's mother invited me over for dinner and Gabby was coming home too. However this time unlike all the others Gabby brought a boy home with her. I think I was just as shocked as Gabby's mother. In all the times Gabby had come home she had never, no not ever, brought a boy home. So imagine the family's and my surprise when she chooses this night out of them all to bring a boy home. This was horrible how can I reconnect with Gabby and tell her all the things I wanted to tell her with this guy here. I didn't even bother to learn his

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