Lisa Cassidy's Essay

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In Lisa Cassidy’s philosophical essay “Starving Children in Africa’: Who Cares?” Cassidy examines the moral obligation for those in the North to help impoverished people in the Global South. Cassidy questions the morality of Northerners and believes that we have an obligation to help starving people across the world by getting personally involved. While this is very helpful, I believe it would be more beneficial for Cassidy to emphasize the existing organizations and policies already put in place to spread awareness in order to address this large-scale global issue. Through this paper we will examine Cassidy’s arguments to her claim that we have an obligation to help those in need and question this view with an objection that argues the lack …show more content…

This premise is plausible to her argument because she builds on Singer's ideas to promote the idea that we should see the world as one community and thus help anyone who is struggling no matter where they are located. A Partialist Argument about Caring for ‘Starving Children in Africa’ In Cassidy’s last premise, she implements the concept of caring and a partialist view to argue the importance of caring for world poverty. She compares the best response to the charity challenge of global poverty: Singer’s impartial approach or feminist care ethics. She believes that tremendous human suffering on a grand scale is an evil, and people have an obligation to respond to evil with care. This premise is plausible because Cassidy stresses the importance of responding to global human suffering because it is an evil that has impacted so many people. Acts such as charity and economic aid are an example of a caring response that Northerns should implement to help those in the South. While I agree with Cassidy’s argument for the most part, an objection I have is the responsibility that Cassidy puts on individual actions and