There are many deadly disease that affect human life. one of the most deadly disease is cancer. Cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells divide without control and can invade nearby tissues.(4) Cancer cells can also spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems.(4) There are many types of cancer and one of the most dangerous one is skin cancer. Skin cancer effect millions of people around the world every year.
Has your voice changed of late? Does it get whacked, scratchy and croaky day by day? If this describes you, read on as this might be the initial signs of throat cancer. Variation in voice is often the first sign of throat cancer, since the vocal cords are often the first portion of the throat that cancer will develop within. This procedure generally happens reasonably slowly and gets worse with time, hence why it is so imperative to catch it timely.
If you feel that you are at risk of certain kinds of cancer, such as colon cancer, it is important to be knowledgeable of the symptoms involved. Losing weight rapidly and unexpectedly, dark feces and cramping are just a few of the symptoms of colon cancer. If you have any colon cancer symptoms, don't procrastinate about making an appointment. Early detection
If the tumor occurs in the neck, it may be visible as a lump as well as affecting breathing and
problem, if you cut the tumor it will grow again. Cancer is the result of a body that is nutrient deficient and is overloaded with toxins and a suppressed or overloaded immune system. If you look back at the last hundred years you will notice that the numbers of death caused by cancer has tripled. The difference between now and our ancestors is the food and exercise. They always ate fresh food and exercised because they were always working and moving around.
How is the cancer is related to the related to the cell cycle checkpoints? This is how. The process is right at the heart of the cancer. Which is controlled by the a lot of complex series. With signaling pathways where the cell grows and copies DNA then divides.
When polyps are together in the Colon or rectum it creates a bump and food or water can't flow through your colon or rectum. Symptoms for colon cancer are bowel habits, changes in stool, blood in the stool, and abdominal discomfort. The most common symptom is bowel habits, the colon
If the tumors are malignant, they begin to kill the body’s healthy tissues. Cancer cells could spread throughout the body from these tumors in order to form new tumors on the body. Benign tumors do not spread around the body. Last year, more than 1 million people were diagnosed with skin cancer. Nearly all types of skin cancers are caused by too much exposure to UV light,
There are all types of cancer but one thing they all have in common are the cells that make up our bod. Cells are the building blocks in our bodies. Cancer just don’t know when to stop growing, they can come together and form tumors making you very sick. Leukemia is the cancer of blood, the cells that make up the blood grow too fast and divide out of control.
Throughout time cancer has been a serious dilemma within the medical community. It's been regarded as one of the most painful experiences one can go through both mentally and physically. For my clinical presentation I will be discussing of the most dangerous types of cancers, Leukemia. Leukemia has been regarded on one of the most severe and dangerous cancers to have. Averaging roughly 58,300 deaths in the U.S alone due to Leukemia.
This condition is caused by exposure to smoke in burning buildings. What increases the risk?
More and more people have cancer these days. It is almost like the plague that no one wants to talk about, and it keeps getting worse. • In the early 1900s, one in 20 developed cancer. •
Cancer is the disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body. Some myths about cancer is that if you’re exposed to air that your cancer will grow… which is false. Your exposure to the air will not make your tumor or cause cancer to spread/grow. Another myth about cancer is that it’s contagious, which is false, once again. Cancer can not be spread person-to-person….
Imagine, your child has been having a pain in his stomach for weeks. He has been screaming uncontrollably. You have taken him to the doctors multiple times, only to be told it is just a virus. You finally take him to the ER, determined to find an answer and end your child 's pain. When you get to the ER they decide to do an MRI on his stomach.
Worldwide, tobacco use causes about 90% of lung cancer deaths, 30% of all cancers, 20-25% of coronary heart diseases and stroke deaths, and more than 80% of chronic bronchitis and emphysema”. (Jordan 1). Secondly not only does it affect smokers but even people who don 't even partake in the activity of smoking cigarettes. Second hand smoke is a serious issue and can cause cancer almost easy as being an actual smoker can.